Group health coaching for your team

Invest in your company’s biggest asset. Take care of them so they take care of you.

Does health coaching for employees work? Yes! WebMD published the results of a study showing the benefits of providing health coaching for your employees. Those results include:

  • Significant reduction in stress

  • Large increase in exercise habits

  • 60% of participants lose weight and 1/3 experience clinically meaningful weight loss.

  • Improved mental and emotional health

  • Improved eating habits (increased fruit and vegetable intake, reduced junk food)

  • 33% reduction in known health risks.

  • Hospital stay decreased by 21% and emergency room visits declined by 16% after just one session with health coaches.

  • A study from the University of Oregon showed that employees who were actively engaged with health coaching incurred 21% lower health related costs to their company than their coworkers did.

  • When an organization offers health coaches, it signals that well-being is a corporate priority ie: “we care about you”. This has far reaching positive effects on the current culture and improves the retention of current employees and can be a significant factor in attracting new employees to the organization. “In the current talent shortage this is huge.”

  • A University of California study reported that companies who provide health coaching see “a significant increase in worker productivity.”

  • Reduced Health Care costs to company. “Wellness programs produce a return on investment of $3 per $1 spent over a 2-9 year period. Investing in your employees literally pays dividends.”

  • Significant reduction in employee absenteeism.

“Data shows that employees who work with health coaches reduce health risks, become more engaged in their health, and show improvement in chronic conditions. Health coaching also leads to greater employee engagement, increased productivity, increased job satisfaction, and an enhanced culture of well-being.”

click here to connect with me and explore whether group health coaching is right for your organization.