The Narrow Path
embrace God’s plan for how you were created to live
The Narrow Path is more than a term I use to describe my coaching. It is an intentional way of life built on a foundation of God given natural laws and truths. When we quit fighting our own nature and surrender to the universal truths that God gave us for living, the result can be a beautiful life filled with peace, health and purpose. An intentional life built on these truths prioritizes diet, exercise, sleep, stress reduction, purpose, on a strong foundation of deep connections with God, with others, and with His creation. It is aligned with God’s plan for how we are created to live and who we are created to be. Most of us have lifestyles that are disconnected from how God created us to live in ways that we feel deeply yet sometimes struggle to put into words. My purpose is to inspire and encourage as many believers as possible to take this journey. To take the more difficult path and learn together what it means to live an intentional life aligning what we do with what we believe. To take The Narrow Path.
Why The Narrow Path?
What do I do?
We live in a world that is literally designed to make us sick, tired, addicted and distracted. It is disconnected from the way of life God created us for and has profound affects on our mental, physical and spiritual health. The Narrow Path is the antidote to “the world” and to what ails many of us today. There is a profound healing for our minds, bodies and spirits to be discovered when we embrace “The Way” of life that God gave us. I help people learn and apply that wisdom to their daily lives. Aligning their lifestyles with God’s truths, to produce the personal transformation necessary for a rich life filled with peace, health and God’s purpose.
We are created to be unhealthy and unhappy when we live outside God’s plan
we are all constantly being formed
What are you being formed by?
We are all constantly being formed. Unfortunately, most of us are unaware of the extent to which we are being formed by “the world” rather than by Jesus. If we are brutally honest with ourselves about where we spend our time, our money, and our energy, most of us must confess that we are impacted more by the world than we would like to be and more than we should be. The world affects our beliefs, directs our thoughts, and dictates our actions every day. It aims our desires at the world and ourselves rather than at Jesus. Left unchecked, it controls us! My work is built around helping people develop and sustain a lifestyle rooted in the physical and spiritual practices of The Way. A high level of intention and effort are necessary components of this process but must always be accompanied by the knowledge that complete reliance on God and the Holy Spirit is what makes this possible. Effort and grace are not opposed in this process, rather they are partners in our physical and spiritual transformation.
The Narrow Path Coaching
Which path are you on?
The Broad Path
Operating at a subconscious level. Always hurried, distracted
Hurried and busy with “stuff” that doesn’t matter
Distracted by tech (phones, social media, tv, radio)
Comfort and convenience are the priority
Focused on loving and elevating self
Using people to get things
Do what is easy
Undisciplined / instant gratification
Low or no purpose
Filled with stress, anxiety, worry, frustration
Unhealthy mental, physical and spiritual habits
Dissonance: Your life doesn’t match what you want it to be
Happiness is dependent on external things, money, attention
Filled with desire
Subconscious desire to be like others (conformity)
Built on false beliefs (your own and others’)
Man’s way
The Narrow Path
Filled with Intentional thoughts and actions
Deliberate sustainable effort towards the truth
Present and in the moment
Growth is the priority “Who do I want to be?”
Focused on loving and serving others and God
Using things to help people
Do what is right
Self disciplined / delayed gratification
Filled with worthy purpose
At peace
Healthy mental, physical and spiritual habits
Harmony: Your thoughts and behaviors match your beliefs
Joy and deep satisfaction is from internal reality
Filled with gratitude
Willingness to stand apart (courage)
Aligned with natural laws and scriptural truth
God’s way
The Narrow Path
Group teaching to help align your life with how God intended us to live.
1 on 1 coaching to create an intentional life filled with peace, joy and purpose.
Willderness Journeys
Take The Narrow Path into the wilderness and find the solitude needed to heal your soul in His creation.
please click here to schedule a free 30 minute session to see if my coaching is right for you.