The Narrow Path Group Lessons

Access the wisdom of TNP teaching in the powerful setting of a group environment.

Taking your team through this study will help your team become healthier, happier and more connected to each other and to God. Studies show that the likelihood of successfully implementing habits and behaviors is positively effected through the strength and support of a community. Surrounding yourself with others who are on the same journey:

  • Improves your retention and understanding of the teaching.

  • Increases the likelihood of implementing sustainable changes.

  • Multiplies the accountability to stated personal or group goals.

  • Strengthens relationships in your organization (and builds new ones).

  • Is aligned with how we are created to navigate life (by needing and serving others).

  • Increases the depth and the joy of the experience.

What are group lessons?

The Narrow Path group lessons are a 12 week study in God’s truths that govern our bodies and the world around us and how to apply those truths to our lives. It is comprised of twelve 1 hour sessions that stand alone but are woven together to complete the vision for how God intended us to live and how we can align our behaviors to live healthy purpose filled lives.

Lessons include:

  • The Narrow Path

  • Functional Medicine Overview

  • The Power of Identity and Purpose

  • Gut Health

  • Eat Well

  • Sleep, Rest, Sabbath

  • Move Naturally

  • Nature Deficit Disorder

  • Science of Habits

  • Truth about Your Health

  • Biblical call to care for your “temple”

  • Practicing The Way

schedule a free 30 minute session to explore how TNP teaching can benefit you organization.