change your habits change your life

Coaching for a healthy, purpose filled life

“The easiest way to change who you are is to change what you do.”

I assume you’re here because you want to change. No one looks for a coach so they can stay the same. Your old habits and behaviors aren’t serving you so you are here because you’re either looking for help, or hope, or both. Perhaps you’re looking for inspiration to change. Or maybe you’re here to find the tools and knowledge to make change easier. Perhaps its even just to be reminded and filled with the hope that change is even possible.

I am here because I chose to spend the rest of my life helping people like you change. To help you live longer and live better. To help you change your behaviors and habits so they are aligned with the most important things in your life and aligned with the truths that govern our bodies and the world around us. To help you move closer to the person you want to become.

What do I do?

What do I do? I help people change and heal and move them closer to the person they want to become.

How do I do it? I do that by:

  1. Helping people clarify what is most important in their lives and who they want to become.

  2. Helping people identify false beliefs that keep them stuck, sick and addicted and replace them with the truth that helps them heal and flourish.

  3. Teaching people how to implement sustainable positive habits and behaviors that support their vision.

  4. I make it easier by turning complex ideas into simple truths that they can apply to daily living ie: “What does that look like in my life today?”

Why do I do it? To help people feel better and live longer making them more capable of loving and serving each other and of glorifying God with their lives.

We are created to be unhappy and unhealthy when we live outside of God’s plan

  • Problem

    We are disconnected from the way of life that God created us for. We are made to live differently than we do.

  • Consequence

    These disconnects negatively impact our mind, body, and soul affecting relationships, happiness, and longevity.

  • Solution

    Coaching to help align your thoughts and behaviors with the natural laws that govern our bodies, minds and spirits.

  • Result

    A life aligned with how we are created to live. An intentional, healthy life overflowing with peace, joy, and purpose.

Is coaching the solution for change in your life?

Coaching may be the answer if any of these statements sound familiar

  • My actions and behaviors don’t reflect what I say is important in my life.

  • I want to improve my health and my life but am not sure where to start.

  • I can’t remember the last time I felt amazing.

  • I’ve tried and failed. I set goals but have a hard time reaching them. I feel stuck and need help getting unstuck.

  • I want a life filled with peace and joy and purpose.

  • I struggle to eliminate bad habits and implement new healthy habits. My habits aren’t serving me and the consequences are starting to show.

  • I'm tired of not having energy and missing time with the most important people in my life. I want to be healthy and happy so I can be there for my family in the future.

  • I have one or more chronic illnesses already and want to learn how to control or reverse them.

  • How the heck did I get here?  This is not what I envisioned for myself. 

“people don’t usually change until the pain of continuing on the same path becomes greater than the pain of doing nothing”

my coaching is a combination of:

  • Functional Medicine

    Prevent and reverse disease by using food and lifestyle as medicine to create the healthiest version of you.

  • Health Coaching

    Wisdom, inspiration and accountability for your mental, physical and spiritual health.

  • Life Coaching

    For an intentional life filled with peace, joy and purpose. A life that reflects the things that are most important to you.

please click here to schedule a free 30 minute session to explore whether my coaching is right for you.