If there was one image, one thought that conveys what my coaching is about

it would be…

Not to represent some foolhardy naivety that fails to recognize the seriousness of any given situation, rather because it represents the joy that springs forth from within and is not dependent on external circumstances. Doesn’t this image just make you want to be this guy?

How can life coaching help me?

  1. Change. Most people hire a coach because they want to change something in their life. Change the way they operate, how they think, what they do. Good coaches are trained to listen for change talk and notice change behavior. They are trained to implement positive habits and behaviors that support your goals and to identify and eliminate the ones that don’t serve you.

  2. Action. I help you get unstuck and take action on the things that have been holding you back. That action produces results which is what everyone really wants.

  3. Clarity. I ask powerful questions that help you identify what is most important to you in life. Your values, the people in your life, what you want to do, where you want to go, who you want to become.

  4. Identity. I help you identify where you identity is rooted and taps into that power of identity and leverage it to drive change in your life. Positive psychology helps to move you along the path towards your goals by using your identity as a strength to pull from. Are you a father, an athlete, a daughter, a Christian, a teacher, a healer?

  5. Vision. I will help you create a vision for your life and set goals that support what is most important to you.

  6. Align. I help you align your actions with your beliefs. Align what you do with what you believe.

  7. Awareness. I help you get out of your own head by providing valuable insight and feedback from an objective source. Too often we are held back by our own limited perspective on behaviors, relationships, habits and performance. A coach is trained to identify patterns in your thoughts and behavior that you may not be able to. A coach can help you see clearer and see farther and adjust your thinking and behavior accordingly.

  8. Get over it. Challenges are a part of life but sometimes we let them hold a greater space than what they should. A coach can provide perspective when you are going through a difficult time or challenge in your life. They help you remember that it is just a season or a chapter and that it too shall pass. In those seasons it may require some extra motivation or encouragement to stay on track and keep going, or even the wisdom to know when to adjust what you are doing to give yourself some extra grace or rest during that challenging time. We can all use a little clarity to know when to push and when to pause.

  9. Accountability. This is the perhaps the most powerful reason to hire a life coach. You can attempt to teach yourself how to make modest improvements in all of the areas mentioned above but accountability does not come with online research or from a book. There is nothing more powerful to driving change and getting results than personal one on one coaching. A good life coach holds you accountable to your own goals, commitments, and promises that you have made to yourself. They are are compassionate listeners who genuinely want to help you become the healthiest happiest version of yourself. They are there with an empathetic ear and encouraging word when you need it most. They are with you every step of your journey to celebrate the victories along the way or to help identify the reason for a lack of progress. They ask the right questions to get you to reflect and provide the best tools and wisdom when you need to get back on track. When you experience the power of accountability it will be an aha moment of “why did I wait so long?”.

  10. Health. With my coaching you get the added bonus of me being a certified Functional Medicine coach and Health Coach. This is critical because in order to make the effort and have the mental clarity to be engaged and committed to change, you need to be at the top of your game. That does not happen without taking care of yourself as a whole. If you are sick, or tired or sleep deprived, the best life coaching in the world will not make a difference in your life. If a chronic illness or injury is limiting you, improving your health is likely to be a component of whatever your life goals include. The best new science has proven and the oldest ancient wisdom has known, that the mind, body and soul are connected. What you eat, how you sleep, and how much natural movement you have in your life, all effect your mental performance. My life coaching includes as much or as little health coaching experience as you would like.

To learn more about my life coaching please click here